Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Virgina Woolf's Life & Her Writing

Watching The Hours in class today I got a better sense of Virginia Woolf's life and feel like her writing takes on a whole new light. she grew up in a Victorian household as well as suicidal. Making her own personality an amalgamation of Septimus and Clarissa which really makes me think that Mrs. Dalloway may really be in large parts about the clash of these two sides of her personality. She would switch form suicidal maniac to respected member of society, similar to how quickly she snaps from Clarissa to Septimus. Yet they're still somehow connected no matter how improbable the connection is, just like the multiple facets of her personality.


Iain K. said...

I really enjoyed seeing how Woolf was raised in a Victorian household as it really explains her critiques of English society. With her scathing commentary, I cannot imagine how she could survive being raised in a Victorian manner.

Mitchell said...

But her peers--the crowd she hung with as a young adult, when her identity as an artist was fully formed--were all decidedly *modern* (also as the documentary illustrates). So with Woolf, you get a Victorian sensibility filtered through an embrace of the modern.