Monday, September 26, 2011

Mo' than surface deep

A few days ago we began talking about the large differences between Woolf and Hemingway's writing style, now I largely prefer Hemingway's writing style but I still have a large amount of respect for both it's really interesting to see others insight on the world even if I do find them dull. The thing that really interests me about Hemingway is how shallow his writing can be, yet how much you learn from it. You really have to find your own motivations for each character, & judge them accordingly. This when reading by yourself keeps you entertained thinking about more than just whats on the page, but when you're reading in class it's really interesting to see how differing peoples reaction to characters like Brett are if you read her as somewhat of a manipulative villain charecter the book drastically shifts away from the theme of star-crossed lovers that was occasionally brought up. I really enjoy this because people in life themselves are very divisive my opinion of everyone I've ever really known I'm sure is different in at least some way from anyone else they knew. I also really like judging people, so being asked to pass judgments on characters in a novel is nice.

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